Thank you, Mr. Falker
By Patricia Polacco
Genre: Fiction (Autobiographical)
Grade: Kindergarten to fifth
About The Author
Born in Lancing, Michigan, Polacco is an author with a purpose! Having Dyslexia herself, she needed a teacher to reach out to her, and got one, Mr. Falker. She can still remember the first time that she was able to read. Being an artist first then a writer, she is a well known writer and award winning author. Click on the link above to learn more!
About The Book
The book begins with meeting Trisha. Trisha can paint and draw very well, but has trouble reading. Unfortunately, Trisha feels that she is dumb because she cant read very well and often felt different than the other students. She even gets bullied by a boy and begins to feel unsafe and sad. But she is saved, by Mr. Falker, who not only stops the bullying but also helps Trisha read and figures out that she is Dyslexic.
The book is heart felt and just down right amazing. Upon reading the book I felt moved by the story yet over joyed by the success of Trisha. I recommend it for any classroom.
Purpose: To understand the authors purpose of the story.
Pre-assessment: Discuss what authors purpose means!
Lesson: Inform students that an authors purpose is to either, persuade, entertain, or to inform. Discuss what each term means by creating a class chart! Then ask the students what they think the authors purpose is? Once they have decided that it is to inform, then have students write a short response as to why.
Post assessment: Looking at the short response and taking notes on the class discussion.
Rosie, I just LOVE Patricia Polacco books! I read a book by her titled The Junkyard Wonders, you should try reading it sometime! I love how many of her books are based off of Patricia's own life and life events. It truly allows children to easily relate to them.