Chasing Lincoln's Killer
By James L. Swanson
Genre: non-fiction
Grade: Seventh to ninth
About The Author
Born on President Lincoln's birthday Swanson has a true love for our 16th president. Swanson attend the University of Chicago where he received degrees in history and then went to the University of California. Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln's Killer, won the Edgar Award and is a New York Times bestseller. Click on the link to learn more!
About The Book
After President Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, Booth ran for 12 days. Booth thinking he was a hero for his actions was seen as a criminal, and will forever be known that way. The book is thrilling and suspenseful! Middle school students would greatly enjoy its energy! I know I couldn't put the book down. Being that the characters and events taking place in the book are all real, the read becomes educational yet fulfilling to reader looking for action. It brings new life to a non-fiction book.
Purpose: Students will be able to write a biography on a historical individual. Students will be able to define key parts in the book that are necessary to research/know when writing a biography.
Pre-Assessment: A short response test will be given. Who is president Lincoln? What did he do for our nation? and why did it create so much controversy? What happened to him?
Lesson: Before reading the book a biography will be explained, and all the necessary information that should be included. Make sure students are aware of the goal, being able to write their own biography. Students will read the book, doing certain chapters everyday, class discussion and worksheets will follow up with the reading the next day. Be sure to point out key facts that should be mentioned in the biography, and having worksheets will help the students when they are writing their biographies.
Post assessment: Another short response test will be given, asking students the same questions and the purpose of a biography. Student will also be asked what important information needs to be included in a biography.
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