Wednesday, December 5, 2012


By Calef Brown
Genre: Poetry
Grade: first to third

About The Author

Brown currently lives in Los Angeles, California an is an amazing illustrator and writer. He has been an illustrator for the entertainment and music industry, and Editorial Illlustrator, is involved in character design, and much more! If you go on his web site (link above) you can view his art, and his books. Some of his works include: Hallowilloween: Nefarious Silliness, Soup for breakfast, and Flamingos on The Roof.

About The Book

Pirateria, is a fun and humors book! I feel in love with the  it immediately as it combines humor, creativity and poetry into one. The book has the ability to appeal to boys, given its contact about pirates. Boys are often the most difficult students to reach when introducing poetry, but this book it a great tool for introducing poetry! It makes poetry fun and engaging.  But this just isn't your normal pirate this it the Pirate Emporium! Yes, even pirates have to shop for mustaches, eye patches and timers! 


Purpose: To introduce students to poetry and to let students write their own poems.

Pre-assessemt: Discussion on what is poetry, then introduce the book and author. Giving students a picture walk will help in keeping them interested. 

Lesson: Once the book has been read to the class allow for groups to read the book. Then give students time to discuss what they read, by using appropriate questions to promote them. Be sure to bring attention to the format, and elements of the writing. Having a short part of the poem on a large piece of paper would be helpful.  Showing the students the characteristics of poetry is key. Mention that poetry can rhyme, but it doesn't always have too. Once this is done have the students choose a topic in which they would like to write a poem about. Have students write the poem then share it with the class. Because this is an introduction to poetry the next lessons to follow can be about more specific poems such as narrative, or haiku. 

Post assessment: Looking at student work and asking student what poetry is. Students should have more in-depth response about the characteristics of poetry. 

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